Muscle up

Basic skill
Drills for Muscle up.
  • The first key is teaching the gymnast a false grip. This can and should be done on low rings so the gymnast can see what is going on. The ring should rest fully on the heel of the palm so that the hand is completely on top of the ring.
  • Work pull ups and dips to work the strength required for this move.
  • The transition from pull up to dip is the most difficult part and should be excecuted quickly. The pull up should be used for momentum to pass through the transition point.
  • The transition point can be worked repeatedly on low rings at below shoulder height. Have the gymnast squat below the low rings, get a false grip go through the muscle up motion and back down to hang while maintaining a false grip. This can be done as conditioning as well.
Associated articles:
Got Rings?

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