Floor Drills and Skills

Floor involves a 40 foot by 40 foot spring floor. It is typically constructed of wood or composite mounted on springs. Covered with closed cell foam, which is in turn covered by carpet.

A men's floor routine consists of tumbling and connective elements. It must contain both forward and backwards tumbling elements as well as a single leg or arm balance (scale).

A women's floor routine is performed to music and consists of gymnastic, acrobatic and dance elements. The routine is between 70 and 90 seconds in length.

Note: The floor skills and drills page is based on the mens code values. The techniques are applicable to womens gymnastics just the code values may be different.


3/4 Handstand
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5 sec Arch Hold
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Backward Roll
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  • The backwards roll is all about pushing with the arms. A very common error is to roll over one side of the head.
  • The gymnast must place their hands flat on the floor fingers towards their shoulders as they roll back.
  • A good drill to establish this is to have the gymnast roll back place their hands flat on the floor by their head and roll back to a stand
  • Doing backwards rolls down an incline mat will help develop a feel.
  • Be sure to encourage the gymnasts to land on their feet and not their knees. It's an easy thing to fix early, much harder if it gets to be habit.
Backward Roll To Pike Stand
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Bent arm back extension roll
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Bridge (straight legs)
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Candlestick Rock to Stand
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  • Start with cartwheels over a panel mat. Just having the gymast stand straddled over the mat, place their hands on the mat, then jumping from foot to foot helps get a start.
  • (For left cartwheel). The gymnast should stand perpendicular to the mat with their left foot touching the right end of the mat. Then reach forward place their left hand on the close side of the mat kick their right leg as they place their right hand on the far side of the mat then landing on their right leg on the far side of the mat.
Cartwheel (lunge to lunge)
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Donkey Kick
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Forward Chassés
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Forward pike roll
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  • A forward pike roll will help gymnasts extend their forward rolls and forward handstand roll.
  • Like a forward straddle roll the hands need to be pushing on the floor before the feet touch.
  • The gymnast must reach down towards their calves to enable a longer push as they stand.
Forward roll
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  • To start the roll the gymnast needs to squat knees together and place both hands flat on the floor in front of themselves.
  • The gymnast should then tuck their head down while pushing with their legs. They should be sure to keep some weight supported with their arms.
  • Gymnasts should be encouraged to stand up without pushing on the floor with their hands. A good drill is to have the gymnasts rock onto their back and roll up to their feet keeping their arms straight out in front.
Forward straddle roll
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  • Forward straddle rolls are good development for stalders and other skills when done properly.
  • If a beginning gymnast is very inflexible working this is moot until they have gained some flexibility.
  • The gymnast should think about lifting their toes as their feet approach the floor. Their hands should be pushing on the floor before their feet touch.
  • Work towards the straddle roll becoming a stalder press to stand.
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  • One of the most important skills in gymnastics is a good solid tight handstand. Without it a majority of other skills will suffer.
  • The handstand should be as tall as possible. The gymnast should be stretching upwards towards the ceiling and staying hollow.
  • The best way to get comfortable in a handstand is to do a lot of handstands. Have handstand contests, work timed handstands for conditioning. Walk around on your hands whenever possible.
  • A gymnast should be able to look at their toes while in a handstand. Doing this requires the handstand to be tight and hollow.
Handstand forward roll
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  • Do a handstand, belly in, against a wall or upright wedge. Hands should be about 6-8" away from the mat or wall. With body tight, and hollow (only feet touching the surface) lean through the shoulders keeping arms straight, looking at toes and roll.
  • A proper handstand forward roll is important for positions and to generate roll speed for other skills. Encourage gymnasts to extend their roll as much as possible.
Mad Cat Shape
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Neck Kip to Stand
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  • The key to this skill is allowing for a complete push off the floor, and not rushing the skill.
  • Heels should be driven upwards, not forward, as the arms are pushed back.
  • As the kip proceeds the gymnast should arch and keep their head back or neutral to allow for a continuation of the push as the legs drive over.
  • Gymnast should work kips to a bridge. They may require a spot the first few times. After a kip to a bridge is easy, the gymnast should push off with their hands aggressively to reach feet.
Passé Balance, Raise to Relevé Stand, Lower to Flat Foot
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Rock and Roll To Stand
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Round off
  • One of most important skills for floor. Frequently when a gymnast is unable to do a double back, full-in, or other high level back tumbling skill, the round off is where the problems begin.
  • A deep lunge and long reach are important to generate the proper momentum.
  • An aggressive blocking off of the hands and snapping of the feet are necessary to turn the round off over sufficiently for a stretched back handspring.
  • As for back handsprings, handstand snap downs will help to improve this skill.
  • It is important that the gymnast not leap into the round off. The second foot should not leave the floor before the first hand contacts the floor.
  • The round off should finish in such a way that the gymnast should half to run backwards to avoid falling. The feet should finish in front of the rest of the body with the arms up and a hollow tight body.
  • The gymnasts head needs to be kept in throughout the skill. Leaving the head out causes the round off to go around the side rather than over the top.
  • Work roundoffs over stacked mats, or mat shapes to jump back onto 8 inch mats stacked on to cheese mats.
  • Work round offs blocking from a slightly raised surface. Attempts should over rotate to the back without the feet touching the ground. This will encourage a strong block and snap down.
Step, Hurdle, Cartwheel, Finish
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Straight arm back extension roll
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  • Straight arm backwards pike rolls down an incline mat. The gymnast should lead the roll with their toes. It helps to have the gymnast hook their fingers together with their palms facing the ceiling. The gymnast should come to a stand by pushing their shoulders back when their hands touch the ground.
  • Straight arm back extension rolls down an incline mat. The gymnast should watch their toes the entire time to help keep their head in and body hollow.
  • Repetitive back extension rolls to just short of handstand. A back extension roll should be performed with the head in, looking at the toes. It should stop just short of handstand and roll forward, to a crouch, then repeat.
  • The initiation portion of this skill is important. Most gymnasts tend to lean forward or reach for the ground as they go into the roll. The hands should be kept up and the torso should be vertical. The gymnast should sit back bending their knees slightly, and shortly before their bottom contacts the ground aggressively push backwards for momentum. From here the legs should be kept straight and directed towards the ceiling.
Straight Arm Backward Roll Down Incline
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Supine Support
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Tripod Balance Headstand
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Wall Handstand
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1 or 2 circles or flairs
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  • Work a ton of circles and flairs on a floor dome. Should be doing this anyway.
3/4 back
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Aerial Cartwheel
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  • Work dive cartwheels trying to wait as long as possible before touching the ground.
  • An aggressive kick and lifting of the chest is essential.
  • Arms can either be swung across the chest, or up and back (similar to a Russian lift for fronts on floor). Either way the arms should help lift.
  • Working on getting the lead leg around quickly is very important. Fast legs and flexible hips is how some can do an Aerial with their nose inches from the floor.
  • Work areals off a panel mat to develop the feel of the skill while having a little more time in the air.
  • Work aerials uphill onto panel mats. This forces more lift and kick.
Arabian dive roll
  • Round-off punch on to a port a pit or stacked mats. With mats about level with the upper back.Have the gymnast do round off punch to land flat on their back on the mats.
  • Round-off punch 1/2 turn to port a pit or stacked mats. As above but with a late 1/2 turn before landing on the mats.
  • Round-off punch 1/2 turn to handstand on port a pit or stacked mats. As above but finish in a handstand on top of the mats. These drills will build amplitude.
  • An aggressive heel drive after the 1/2 turn will position the gymnast properly in the air.
Back handspring
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  • Jump backwards to an incline mat or port-a-pit. The gymnast should try to travel backwards as far as possible. There should be no leaning forward in the upper torso. The gymnast should finish in a slight arch with legs together and straight and arms up and by their ears.
  • Sit back to a wall. The gymnast should stand about 3/4 the length of their femur and sit back with a vertical torso until they reach a wall sit position. This will develop a feel for the proper sit position.
  • Back limbers over a rounded block.
  • Handstand snap downs. The gymnast should try to finish with their feet in front of them with their arms traveling upwards.
  • Place a mat against a wall. Sit and fall back agains the mat. The entire back should contact the wall at the same time. This will help reinforce not leaning forward when sitting for a backhandspring.
  • Place a springboard on the floor,have gymnast get into a push up position with hands flat(without grabbing edges of springboard) work on moving body with shoulders without bending arms or legs.
Back walkover
  • The key to a back walkover is good shoulder flexibility.
  • Stand about two feet (or so depending on your height) away from a wall with your back to the wall. Arch back and walk your hands down the wall to end up in a bridge. As you do this try to keep as little weight on your hands as possible by pushing your hips forward.
  • Start in a bridge with your feet close to a wall. Walk up the wall and kick into a handstand. Keep as little weight on your feet as possible by pushing your shoulders out over your hands.
  • Work bridge kickouts with feet on a raised surface such as an 8" mat.
  • Shoulder flexibility is greatly benificial to this skill. Be sure to work bridges properly and push over your hands.
Dive roll
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  • The gymnast must have a strong front handspring that finishes with their feet behind their hips.
  • The most common first mistake is to try and rush, piking at the hips, and bringing the head forward. This is the last thing that you want to do on a flyspring.
  • An aggressive block and heel drive are essential. The heels should pull back throughout the skill.
  • The gymnast should feel as if they are pushing up and back on the floor.
Front handspring
  • Blocking drills onto an incline mat or stacked mats. From a hurdle or a step kick to handstand and block, landing flat on the back with arms by the ears and body in a slight arch.
  • Blocking drills to handstand or up a mat. Kick to handstand-block catching in handstand. This drill can be worked from the floor to a panel mat increasing the number of layers to build amplitude.
  • Aggressive kicks to handstand against a mat. Lean a mat against a wall and have the gymnast kick to handstand aggressively. Their head and shoulders should not touch the wall. With their hands close to the wall only their heels should hit.
  • The most common error in handsprings is to tuck forward as soon as the hands leave the floor. This causes the gymnast to land in a squat position with their head and arms forward. The gymnast needs to get a feel for keeping their hips forward with their arms and head back.
  • Starting from a bridge with hands near a wall. Walk the hands up the wall to a stand. Be sure head is kept back the whole time.
  • Front limbers concentrating on keeping the head back.
Front walkover
  • The key to a front walkover is good shoulder flexibility and proper body positions.
  • A common mistake is to want to sit up too soon. This causes the gymnast to fall backwards. The hips should be pressed forward. Head and arms are the last to come upright.
  • Stand with your back to a wall. Arch back and walk down the wall to a bridge. Walk back to stand. Very important to keep proper body positions when working the drill.
Front, back or side scale
  • Stability in a scale is all about practice. Work your scale on a lot of different surfaces. Including on beam, or on a bar.
Handstand (2s.)
  • The only way to really get a solid handstand is to do lots of handstands. Do them on the floor, on P-bars, on rings. Do them free standing and against a wall.
  • Work on extending your shoulders and pushing towards the ceiling.
  • Ideally the handstand should be slightly hollow. You should be able to look at your toes while in a handstand.
Handstand full pirouette, 3 steps
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Handstand lower to straddle L
  • Work handstand straddle lower to straddle stand against a wall. Go as slowly as possible.
  • Work handstand straddle lower to straddle stand free standing. Go as slowly as possible.
  • The key is control and keeping the shoulders open as long as possible. A lot of gymnasts will begin to planche the skill making it significantly more difficult. The motion should initiate with a wide straddle and deep piking of the hips.
  • This skill is very developmental for presses and should be worked by any gymnast working on standing or stalder presses.
Prone support and rock to handstand
  • The key to this skill is getting the gymnasts center of gravity over the gymnasts hands.
  • As the gymnast rocks forward they should aggressively drive their heels towards the ceiling.
  • This skill can be worked in repetition with a spot for conditioning. Rock to handstand, lower slowly through chest roll to prone, back to handstand.
Stalder press to handstand
  • Be sure that the arms are straight throughout working this skill. Working it bent arm will help develop a bent arm stalder press.
  • Work stalder presses on a folded panel mat. This will help the feet clear the floor.
  • Handstand lower to straddle L. This should be done as slowly as possible.
  • Working stalder presses with the gymnasts back against , or near a wall will (in the seated straddle position) will help improve the efficiency in the skill by forcing proper technique.
  • The skill should be worked with both a fast roll into the stalder, and from a seated straddle L. This will aid in the development of a stalder on bars, as well as working the strength of the press.
  • Work stalder rolls across the floor. Gymnasts can work the stalder roll to whatever point they are capable, be that just to straddle L or to handstand.
  • Pancakes are key to this skill, as this is mostly a flexibility as opposed to strength skill. Get the gymnast to think of this skill as an extended version of the standing straddle press handstand by having them do straddle L-press to stand-press to handstand. This will help them get the compression concept. Be sure to try to keep the arms and legs straight.
Straddle planche
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Straddle press handstand
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  • Proper technique greatly reduces the strength and energy output required to do a press handstand.
  • Most gymnasts will try to rush to the handstand lifting their heels early causing the press to planche out making it very difficult to excecute.
  • Work presses against a wall. Start so that when the gymnast leans forward their shoulders will push against the wall. This enables the gymnast to work through the motion with some assistance.
  • Work presses facing away from a wall. The gymnast should stand with their back against the wall and lean forward to press, trying to stay as close to the wall as possible. This forces the gymnast to lift their hips. If they lift their legs too soon they will kick the wall.
  • Do a lot of presses. Ensure that the arms are kept straight. Working a bent arm press will develop a very strong bent arm press, but does little to develop a straight arm press.
  • Set up a floor bar in front of a wedge. Start the gymnast with in a push up position on the bar with the wedge in front of them and a barrel under their shins. Rock back and forth to press to handstand forward roll down the wedge.
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Y Scale
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3/4 back, piked
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Arabian front
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  • See drills for arabian dive roll.
  • If the gymnast does an arabian dive roll well, an arabian front is just initiating an arabian dive roll, tucking and learning to land.
Arabian front, stretched
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Back 1/1
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  • The gymnast should have a solid lay-out back before working this skill.
  • Note: discussion will be for a right twist, just switch all R/L directives for a L twist.
  • The gymnast should work a lay out 1/2 twist by dropping their right arm and looking to the right.
  • Once the half is understood then the full twist is just a matter of dropping the left arm shortly after the right so that both hands are close to the right hip.
  • To correct an early twist, a common problem.
    • Set an 8" mat on a trampoline.
    • Have the gymnast work 3/4 backs to their stomach on the trampoline.
    • Have the gymnast initiate the twist only after they see the mat, still landing flat.
  • Hey it's simple, fun, and easy. Once layout shapes and positions are memorized by muscle (not mind) begin to do layouts to your feet. Progress to layout and as you land do a quick half turn on your feet. Later, begin to do this faster and faster, eventually leading to doing it just before landing. Once the half begins to come naturally, do the half to a good landing, and then do another half turn. Repeat this faster, and faster until the second half is done and VOILA!! There you have your full twister.
Back Layout
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  • A good round off back handspring should be developed before working this skill. I personally do not recommend working round-off back, as it can lead to bad habits for a round off back handspring.
  • Round off back handspring punch to back on stacked mats. (The most difficult thing about this to young gymnasts is spacing their round off backhandspring. Repetition, patience, and marking is the key.)
  • The gymnast should learn to spot their set. This can be practiced on the drill above. Have the gymnasts look at their team/class mates as they punch to their back.
  • The most common problem on this skill is throwing the head back and doing a wipped over back inches from the ground. The above drills will help releave that problem.
  • To help with the reach and set the coach stands behind the gymnast and when the gymnast completes their round off back handspring the coach catches them for the reach. The gymnast can then focus on the set without worrying about the back tuck.
  • Lean an air track or large soft mat against a wall. Place a mini-tramp in front of the mat, and a box in front of the tramp. With hands on the box bounce a few times then reach arms up and set up and back against the mat/air track. This helps develop a tall set. Note: make sure that the mat border for the tramp is solid, there is a possibility of landing on the frame and springs.
Bent arm straight body press to handstand
  • Work pseudo planch pushups. See conditioning.
  • Focus on lifting the heels early without arching. Squeeze heels together.
Flair to handstand
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  • Work press handstands from one foot with the other leg extended to the side, as you press begin the pirouette before your feet come together. For clockwise flairs the left foot will be on the ground.
  • For clockwise flairs. From one flair, after arriving in front support with chest extended, hold the right leg high while aggressively pulling the hips back and up dragging the left foot across the floor and lightly jumping to arrive in handstand. The flair must be performed with good technique.
Flair with 1/1 spindle
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  • Key to any spindle work is having properly counterturned circles and flairs. If the circles/flairs are counterturned a spindle is just a change of hand placement.
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  • Punches across the floor. Starting on one side of the floor, with a straight body and arms above the head, bounces across the floor. Heels should never contact the floor. (Good for overall punching ability).
  • Dive rolls over stacked mats/bar mat/coaches arm/etc. To help build amplitude and a sense of taking off straight up have the gymnast do dive rolls over something. The punch should be directly in front of the object and an open body position should be maintained in flight. The object can be raised gradually as the gymnast improves.
  • Hard tuck rolls down an incline. This drill helps develop a feel for generating rotation. From the top of an incline mat the gymnast should initiate a roll and as they roll forward pull a tight tuck by sitting up aggressively and grabbing their knees. The roll should accelerate and finish in a standing tuck position. Be sure not to tuck by stopping the roll and end in a ball on the floor.
Front, back or side scale with 180 deg split (no hand hold)
  • Great active flexibility is required for a scale with 180 deg split. Work over splits to have flexibility beyond what you need just to get into position.
  • Work a lot of leg lifts and other strengthening exercises for your hip flexors.
Handspring Front
  • The gymnast must have a strong extended handspring. Be sure that the handspring is finishing with the gymnasts feet slightly behind them.
  • It is recommended that a gymnast get their handspring-flyspring befor working handspring fronts as getting the turn over required for flysprings can be hindered by learning a handspring front.
  • The most common mistake is to rush into the tuck. If the gymnasts hips go back, head looks down, or arms go forward on the takeoff it will significantly reduce the power going into the skill.
  • A tumbling trampoline can help develop handspring fronts tremendously. Look for open, extended shoulders.
  • Work handspring fronts on a reasonably firm 4" mat. This gives a slight delay to the punch allowing for the gymnast to set up for the front.
Layout front
  • Although this is categorized the same as a tucked or pike front in the code I though some discussion was warrented.
  • Just after takeoff the gymnast must aggressively drive their heels upwards while lifting their chest and dropping their arms.
  • Keeping tight is critical to successfull execution of this skill.
  • Work a lot of layouts off of a mini-tramp, or on trampoline keeping technique of utmost importance.
Pike press to handstand from stand
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  • The key to this skill is compression. The gymnast must lift their hips as high as possible before trying to lift their legs.
  • Very important to have a good pike stretch. The gymnast should be able to place their hands on the floor comfortably with their legs straight.
  • Work pushup position press to pike stand. The gymnast should try to finish with their feet very close to, or in between their hands.
Planche (legs together)
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Reverse planche
  • Strong flexible shoulders are required for this skill.
  • The gymnast should be able to lift their feet off the ground from a bridge simply by leaning over their hands. Shoulder angle should be kept open throughout.
Russian 360 deg
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Side somi straddled
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Side summi tucked
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Straddle planche press handstand
Tong Fei
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  • Gymnast must have a strong butterly.
  • Set up stacked mats to chest height. Initiate a butterfly then pull the twist so that you land on your stomach on the stack.
  • Work the skill onto a single 8" mat. The landing leg must reach for the ground aggressively. The chest must be lifted throughout to ensure that the head is kept level with, or slightly above the feet.
  • Some have had success with working the skill from a stand. It makes the twist more difficult, but the landing easier.
  • When starting to work this skill focus on extending and staying tight, as it is difficult to maintain form throughout, and will be more difficult if form is not a focus early.
  • Work tucked Vs. Sit on the floor with your knees bent so your knees are near your chest. Push off the floor and lift your knees as high in front as you can.
  • Work tucked V to V. Hold a tucked V and straighten your legs then return to the tuck.
  • Work dips and hanging leg lifts to develop the tricep and ab strength required.
Wide arm handstand
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  • Simply work this skill by kicking into a wide arm handstand. The key is developing a feel for the control.


Arabian 1 3/4
  • The gymnast must have a strong arabian front before moving on to this skill. It must have a good set, be square after the twist, and the gymnast should be very clear on the rotation.
  • Work front 1 3/4 into a pit first to develop a good sense of the skill.
  • Do a LOT of front 1 3/4s onto mats. Knowing where you are in this skill is crucial. Coming up short can cause serious injury.
  • The skill should finish just past vertical with an extended body. The hands should contact the floor and absorb some of the impact, but the majority of the energy should be dissipated through the roll.
  • Keep tight and extended on the roll.
Back 1/1 to split
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Back 2/1
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  • Once a back 1/1 is learned, learning a 2/1, 3/2 is a matter of developing a feel for an aggressive wrap and what the various twists feel like.
  • The set becomes more crucial. Keeping the head in and arms up is extremely important, as the gymnast will need more flight time, and a very tight lay out to be successful.
  • Front 3/2 (Rudi) feels very similar when the gymnast twists the same direction for backwards and forwards flipping skills. This should be the case and should be directed for younger gymnasts.
Butterfly 2/1
Double back
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  • The key to a double back is simply a strong set, a good punch and air sense.
  • Timer: Work back 1 1/4 to stacked mats.
  • The gymnast should be able to land high on their back, on a stack of mats at least as high as their middle back.
Flair with 1/1 spindle to handstand
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Front 1/1
  • After the gymnast has a good sense of a front then twisting the skill is a natural progression.
  • The twist should be initiated late in the skill. The gymnast should work fronts trying to twist a split second before they land.
  • The twist will be initiated in the head and shoulders. As the gymnast is reaching the peak of the flight they should look in the direction of the twist, and drop the opposite arm slightly across their body.
  • As the twist becomes more natural increasing the amount of twist is just a matter of being more aggressive and tight.
  • Learning a front-front is a progression from slower rebounding surfaces to the floor.
  • Start on a trampoline or tumble tramp doing consecutive fronts. It is essential that the first front finishes fully standing with the arms extended upwards.
  • Lots of repetitions of consecutive fronts will develop a good feel for this skill.
  • From the trampoline gymnasts can transition to a resilient 8" mat or a 4" "sting" mat on the floor. Then take the mat away.
  • This skill requires good tricep, ab, and hip flexor strength, as well as shoulder flexibility.
  • To stretch the shoulders, work skin the cat on rings, or sit in a pike on floor, reach back with the hands and walk the hands back keeping them as close together as possible.
  • Conditioning: manna swings on P-bars, bar dips, tricep pushups, leg lifts. See my conditioning page for descriptions.
  • Some young gymnasts have a relatively easy time developing this skill as their shoulders and pike are very flexible. They should be encouraged to work it consistantly to maintain it throughout their training.
Planche press handstand
Russian 720 deg
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V-press handstand
  • Good compression in the V position is key to this skill.
  • Conditioning: In a pike sit with palms flat on the floor near the gymnasts feet, work sets of 20 leg lifts.
  • Work V-press handstand on progressively lower paralettes.
Whip back layout
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Whip back-back tuck-front 1 1/4 to prone (C+B)
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Wide am press handstand
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  • The gymnast should work press handstands with the fingers turned directly outward. As they get stronger they can widen their arms.
  • This skill also helps develop an inverted cross on rings.


Arabian double front
  • Work a LOT of double fronts into a pit, onto stacked mats, etc.
  • As for arabian 1 3/4 knowing how to land this skill is critical. Landing wrong can be very hard on the knees. Be sure not to overextend your legs upon landing.
Back 1 3/4 with 1/2 twist, stretched
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Back 1/2 twist punch front 3/2 (B+C)
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Back 3/1
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Back 5/2 (2 1/2) twists
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Circle with 1/1 spindle to handstand
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Double front
  • Generating enough height and rotation for this skill is difficult. It is generally done out of a handspring, though I have seen it from a run.
  • Taking the set up is extreemly important.
  • As for the arabian double, a LOT of double fronts must be excecuted to soft landing surfaces to develop a strong sense of the skill.
Double layout
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  • The stacked mat drills for a double back apply for the double layout, but they must be executed, well, layed out.
  • The set for a double layout is distinctly different than a tucked double. The chest is aggressively thrown upwards as the shoulders are pulled back.
  • The shoulders pull the gymnast through the 1st flip then the toes are aggressively tapped to complete the skill.
Flair to handstand back to flair
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Front 2/1 stretched
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  • Timer: Tucked back full 1 3/4 to stacked mats. The gymnast should work tucked fulls without grabbing their legs. As for the double back the gymnast should land high on their backs on a fairly high stack of mats.
  • Front 1/2-back out off of a mini tramp is a good drill to develop the feel of this skill.
  • On a trampoline work full, back, full, back, etc. This also helps develop an air awareness for this skill.
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  • Double front 1/2 out off of a mini tramp is a good drill to develop a feel of this skill.
  • Back 1/2 duck under to stacked mats.
  • As with the full-in, on a trampoline work alternating back, full, back, etc.
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Maltese press to wide arm handstand
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Manna press handstand
  • As for the V-press handstand being able to hold a tight pike is key to this skill, if the gymnast has a Manna.
Russian 1080 deg
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Whipback immediate back 2/1
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Note: If you are working these skills you are probably beyond the usefullness of these pages, but hey they are cool skills.
Back 1 3/4 with 1 1/2 twists stretched
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Back 4/1 (quad full)
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  • The gymnast should be clear on 1/1, 2/1, and 3/1
  • Exceptionally strong set and tight wrap. Lot's of body tightening drills should be worked so that as tight a line as possible can be achieved.
Back 5/2 (2 1/2) twists punch front
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  • No drills yet available for this skill.
Circle with 1/1 spindle to handstand back to flair or circle
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Flair with 1/1 spindle inside of 2 flairs to handstand continue to flair
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Full-in full-out
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  • A full-in full-out is truly a combination of a full-in, and a full-out. The gymnast should be able to execute both of these skills.
  • Working full, full, full, on a trampoline will help develop the air awareness necessary for this skill.
Full-in, full-out stretched (super E 0.4)
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  • All drills for full-ins and full-outs apply.
  • A VERY strong double layout is necessary.
Full-out stretched
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Full-out stretched punch front 1 1/4 to prone (E+B)
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Thomas stretched
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Tripple back
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  • No drills yet available for this skill.