Rings C Skills
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- The gymnast should have a strong dislocate and shoot to support.
- Rapid turn over and directing the toes to the ceiling are important factors.
- As the toes rise the rings should be pushed back and down aggressively.
- It is very important during the upwards swing that the head be kept in, looking towards the top of the ring tower, and the body be kept hollow.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- Work straight body shoot to support.
- As with a double tuck the gymnast should hold onto and keep pressing on the rings until the first rotation is almost complete.
- As the rings are released an aggressive push off the rings will add height and rotation.
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- The gymnast should be able to do an inlocate with their shoulders above the rings consistantly.
- The heels need to lead throughout the upwards phase of the swing. There is a tendency to hollow or pike which will hinder the swing.
- If you have access to a cross sled, (or a total gym). Lie on your stomach feet upwards on the sled lifting your heels. Work the motion from arms at your side palms down push through to handstand position through a planche arm motion, and do the same through an inverted cross position. Very important to keep the arms straight. This motion can also be done with stretch tubing or thera-bands.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- Younger gymnasts should not work these skills. It can damage their elbows and shoulder joints.
- The proper technique is to roll the shoulders forward so that the inside of the elbow is turned down. This causes limited flexibility in the shoulder socket. It's important that a gymnast be strong enough in the shoulders to start working this.
- Work partial cross pull outs. Start in a support, lower towards the cross almost to the failure point and press back to support. These can be done in sets.
- Work crosses on low rings so that you can keep some of the weight on your feet. Be sure to only use your feet as little as possible while still maintaining the cross.
- Assisted support crosses. Either with a spot or with stretch tubing.
- Cut a bicycle tube in half. Secure each end to a ring. Stand on the tubing and work crosses. - submitted by Julian
- Set up blocks 1-2 feet below the rings and 1-2 feet in front of the rings. Hold a support with feet resting on the block. Lower to L-cross and press out. Amount of weight on the feet can be reduced as the gymnast gets stronger.
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- The gymnast should have a strong cross, and a straight arm kip to support.
- Immediate pressure on the rings is requred as the kip is initiated.