Men's EventsFloor1 Arm Cartwheel (both sides, each arm) 1 or 2 circles or flairs 3/4 back 3/4 back, piked 3/4 Handstand 5 sec Arch Hold Aerial Cartwheel Arabian 1 3/4 Arabian dive roll Arabian double front Arabian front Arabian front, stretched Back 1 3/4 with 1 1/2 twists stretched - Banned Back 1 3/4 with 1/2 twist, stretched - Banned Back 1/1 Back 1/1 to split Back 1/2 twist punch front 3/2 Back 2/1 Back 3/1 Back 4/1 (quad full) Back 5/2 (2 1/2) twists Back 5/2 (2 1/2) twists punch front Back handspring Back Layout Back walkover Backward Roll Backward Roll To Pike Stand Bent arm back extension roll Bent arm straight body press to handstand Bridge Bridge (straight legs) Bridge Kick-Over Butterfly 2/1 Candlestick Rock to Stand Cartwheel Cartwheel (lunge to lunge) Cartwheel Step Together Circle with 1/1 spindle to handstand Circle with 1/1 spindle to handstand back to flair or circle Dive roll Donkey Kick Double back Double front Double layout Fedorchenko - Russian 1080 Degree on floor Flair to handstand Flair to handstand back to flair Flair with 1/1 spindle Flair with 1/1 spindle inside of 2 flairs to handstand continue to flair Flair with 1/1 spindle to handstand Flyspring Forward Chassés Forward pike roll Forward roll Forward straddle roll Front Front 1/1 Front 2/1 stretched Front handspring Front walkover Front, back or side scale Front, back or side scale with 180 deg split (no hand hold) Front-front Full-in Full-in full-out Full-in, full-out stretched Full-out Full-out stretched Full-out stretched punch front 1 1/4 to prone Gogaladze - Flair To Handstand, Continue to Flair Handspring Front Handstand Handstand (2s.) Handstand Bridge, Kick-over Handstand forward roll with bent arms Handstand full pirouette, 3 steps Handstand lower to straddle L Layout front Mad Cat Shape Maltese Maltese press to wide arm handstand Manna Manna press handstand Neck Kip to Stand Pancake Stretch with Elbows on Floor, Chin on Hands Passé Balance, Raise to Relevé Stand, Lower to Flat Foot Pike press to handstand from stand Planche (legs together) Planche press handstand Prone support and rock to handstand Reverse planche Rock and Roll To Stand Round off Russian 360 deg Russian 720 deg Side somi straddled Side summi tucked Stalder press to handstand Step, Hurdle, Cartwheel, Finish Straddle planche Straddle planche press handstand Straddle press handstand Straight arm back extension roll Straight Arm Backward Roll Down Incline Straight Arm Backward Roll To Prone Straight Leg Leap (60°) Supine Support Thomas - Banned Thomas stretched - Banned Tong Fei Tripod Balance Headstand Tripple back V-press handstand V-sit Wall Handstand Whip back - layout Whip back-back tuck-front 1 1/4 to prone Whipback immediate back 2/1 Wide arm handstand Wide arm press handstand from split Windmills Y Scale
| Pommel Horse
1080 (or greater) degree Russian wendeswing on the leather 1080 degree Russian wendeswing dismount 270 Kehr From Cross to Side Support 3 element flop sequence (Loop, Stockly, Stockly) 360 degree Russian wendeswing on the leather 4 flops (Stockli, Stockli, Loop, Loop) Bailie Circle in cross support on one pommel Direct stockli A through handstand dismount Direct stockly A Direct stockly B Double leg circle Double Scissor Double Scissor Hop Travel False scissor Flair Flair to handstand dismount Flair with 1/1 spindle within 2 circles with pommel between hands Front loop Front moore Front support swings Kehr Kolyvanov Li Ning Magyar On the end 180 degree Russian wedeswing to wende Rear Double Scissor Rear loop Rear scissor Rear Scissor 1/2 Rear Scissor 1/2 Through Handstand Rear Scissor Hop Travel Rear Scissor Hop Travel End To End Rear support swings Scissor Scissor 1/2 Scissor 1/2 Hop Travel Scissor 1/2 Hop Travel End To End Scissor Hop Travel Scissor Hop Travel End To End Sivado Sivado (leather, leather, leather) Stockli, stockli, 360 degree Russian wendeswing on 1 pommel Stride Swings The mushroom Tong fei Travel down Travel forward in cross support Travel up Wu Guonian
Azarian Back giant Back kip to handstand Back lever Back uprise to straddle L Backuprise Backuprise planche Backuprise to cross Backuprise to handstand, bent arm Backwards roll to L support Backwards roll to maltese Basic swing Delchev Dislocate Double flyaway Double layout Flyaway 1/1 Front giant Front lever Front uprise Front uprise to maltese Full-in, tucked Full-out layout Half in half out tucked Handstand-planche-maltese Hollow back press Homna to L-cross Inlocate Inverted cross Iron cross or L-cross Jonasson Kip to cross Kip to maltese L cross press to inverted cross with straight body L cross press to maltese Layout Flyaway Maltese cross Muscle up Nakayama Piked press handstand with straight arms Press to Handstand Shoot to handstand, bent arm Shoot to support Support technique Victorian
| Vault
Blocking drills Dragulescu Handspring 1/1 Handspring Front Kasamatsu stretched Li Xiao Peng Running Shewfelt The Arm Swing Tsukahara stretched 1/1 Yeo 2 Yurchenko 3/2
| Parallel Bars
1/1 Pierouette (3 step) Back giant Back off (piked or layed out) Back off tucked Back off with 1/1 twist Back off with 1/2 twist Back toss to handstand Back toss to handstand from upper arm Back uprise Back uprise straddle cut Back uprise to handstand Backuprise rear stutz Basket swing Cast to support Cast to upper arm Diomidov Double back off Double back off piked Forward roll Front off with 1/1 twist Front toss to support Front uprise Front uprise straddle cut to handstand Gatson Giant full turn Giant to double back toss Half pirouette Healy twirl Healy twirl from english handstand on one rail Hop 1/2 pierouette Hop 3/4 pierouette Inbar kip to V-press handstand Kip (between the bars) Kip (single rail) Kip immediate front straddle cut to handstand Kip to L Layaway to swing Moy front straddle cut with intermediate support Moy to support Moy to upper arm Peach handstand straight arm Peach handstand with 1/2 turn to handstand Peach immediate straddle cut Peach to handstand, bent arm Peach to support Pegan Pike press handstand Rear stutz (for right twisting stutz) Reverse pirouette (discussion based on pirouette initiating with right arm) Straddle cut Straddle kip to straddle L press handstand on one rail Stutzkehr to handstand Support swing Tippelt Upper Arm Swing Upper Arm Swing to Horizontal
| High Bar
1/2 Pirouette 3/4 giant Adler 1/2 Turn Back giant Backuprise Balabanov Blind turn/blind change Cast handstand Clear Hip Clear hip to handstand Czech giant swing Double flyaway Double front flyaway Double front half-out Double full out, stretched Double layout El grip giant full pirouette to el grip Endo Endo 1/1 pirouette Endo 1/2 pirouette Endo in el-grip Endo, piked Endo, piked to 1/1 pirouette Endo, piked to 1/2 pirouette Endo, piked with 1/1 pirouette to el grip Flyaway Front flyaway Front flyaway 1/2 twist Front flyaway with 1/1 twist Front giant Full out stretched Full pirouette Full-in, full-out stretched Full-in, tucked Geinger Giant hop regrab Half in half out stretched Higgins roll to el grip Jager/piked jager Jam to eagle grip (above 45) Kip Kovacs Kovacs, stretched (super E) Mix grip stem swing to front giant Piked double front half out Rybalko Skoumal Stalder Stalder to Rybalko Stalder, rear piked with full turn Stalder, rear with 1/2 turn Stem Swing 1/2 turn Tap swing Tkatchev Tkatchev, piked Tkatchev, stretched Veronin Weiler Weiler kip immediate full pirouette Yamawaki
Women's Events