Floor B Skills
3/4 back, pikedView a video
- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- See drills for arabian dive roll.
- If the gymnast does an arabian dive roll well, an arabian front is just initiating an arabian dive roll, tucking and learning to land.
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- The gymnast should have a solid lay-out back before working this skill.
- Note: discussion will be for a right twist, just switch all R/L directives for a L twist.
- The gymnast should work a lay out 1/2 twist by dropping their right arm and looking to the right.
- Once the half is understood then the full twist is just a matter of dropping the left arm shortly after the right so that both hands are close to the right hip.
- To correct an early twist, a common problem.
- Set an 8" mat on a trampoline.
- Have the gymnast work 3/4 backs to their stomach on the trampoline.
- Have the gymnast initiate the twist only after they see the mat, still landing flat.
- Hey it's simple, fun, and easy. Once layout shapes and positions are memorized by muscle (not mind) begin to do layouts to your feet. Progress to layout and as you land do a quick half turn on your feet. Later, begin to do this faster and faster, eventually leading to doing it just before landing. Once the half begins to come naturally, do the half to a good landing, and then do another half turn. Repeat this faster, and faster until the second half is done and VOILA!! There you have your full twister.
- A good round off back handspring should be developed before working this skill. I personally do not recommend working round-off back, as it can lead to bad habits for a round off back handspring.
- Round off back handspring punch to back on stacked mats. (The most difficult thing about this to young gymnasts is spacing their round off backhandspring. Repetition, patience, and marking is the key.)
- The gymnast should learn to spot their set. This can be practiced on the drill above. Have the gymnasts look at their team/class mates as they punch to their back.
- The most common problem on this skill is throwing the head back and doing a wipped over back inches from the ground. The above drills will help releave that problem.
- To help with the reach and set the coach stands behind the gymnast and when the gymnast completes their round off back handspring the coach catches them for the reach. The gymnast can then focus on the set without worrying about the back tuck.
- Lean an air track or large soft mat against a wall. Place a mini-tramp in front of the mat, and a box in front of the tramp. With hands on the box bounce a few times then reach arms up and set up and back against the mat/air track. This helps develop a tall set. Note: make sure that the mat border for the tramp is solid, there is a possibility of landing on the frame and springs.
- Work pseudo planch pushups. See conditioning.
- Focus on lifting the heels early without arching. Squeeze heels together.
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- Work press handstands from one foot with the other leg extended to the side, as you press begin the pirouette before your feet come together. For clockwise flairs the left foot will be on the ground.
- For clockwise flairs. From one flair, after arriving in front support with chest extended, hold the right leg high while aggressively pulling the hips back and up dragging the left foot across the floor and lightly jumping to arrive in handstand. The flair must be performed with good technique.
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- Key to any spindle work is having properly counterturned circles and flairs. If the circles/flairs are counterturned a spindle is just a change of hand placement.
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- Punches across the floor. Starting on one side of the floor, with a straight body and arms above the head, bounces across the floor. Heels should never contact the floor. (Good for overall punching ability).
- Dive rolls over stacked mats/bar mat/coaches arm/etc. To help build amplitude and a sense of taking off straight up have the gymnast do dive rolls over something. The punch should be directly in front of the object and an open body position should be maintained in flight. The object can be raised gradually as the gymnast improves.
- Hard tuck rolls down an incline. This drill helps develop a feel for generating rotation. From the top of an incline mat the gymnast should initiate a roll and as they roll forward pull a tight tuck by sitting up aggressively and grabbing their knees. The roll should accelerate and finish in a standing tuck position. Be sure not to tuck by stopping the roll and end in a ball on the floor.
- Great active flexibility is required for a scale with 180 deg split. Work over splits to have flexibility beyond what you need just to get into position.
- Work a lot of leg lifts and other strengthening exercises for your hip flexors.
- The gymnast must have a strong extended handspring. Be sure that the handspring is finishing with the gymnasts feet slightly behind them.
- It is recommended that a gymnast get their handspring-flyspring befor working handspring fronts as getting the turn over required for flysprings can be hindered by learning a handspring front.
- The most common mistake is to rush into the tuck. If the gymnasts hips go back, head looks down, or arms go forward on the takeoff it will significantly reduce the power going into the skill.
- A tumbling trampoline can help develop handspring fronts tremendously. Look for open, extended shoulders.
- Work handspring fronts on a reasonably firm 4" mat. This gives a slight delay to the punch allowing for the gymnast to set up for the front.
- Although this is categorized the same as a tucked or pike front in the code I though some discussion was warrented.
- Just after takeoff the gymnast must aggressively drive their heels upwards while lifting their chest and dropping their arms.
- Keeping tight is critical to successfull execution of this skill.
- Work a lot of layouts off of a mini-tramp, or on trampoline keeping technique of utmost importance.
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- The key to this skill is compression. The gymnast must lift their hips as high as possible before trying to lift their legs.
- Very important to have a good pike stretch. The gymnast should be able to place their hands on the floor comfortably with their legs straight.
- Work pushup position press to pike stand. The gymnast should try to finish with their feet very close to, or in between their hands.
- Strong flexible shoulders are required for this skill.
- The gymnast should be able to lift their feet off the ground from a bridge simply by leaning over their hands. Shoulder angle should be kept open throughout.
- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
- Work planche strength found on the conditioning page.
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- Gymnast must have a strong butterly.
- Set up stacked mats to chest height. Initiate a butterfly then pull the twist so that you land on your stomach on the stack.
- Work the skill onto a single 8" mat. The landing leg must reach for the ground aggressively. The chest must be lifted throughout to ensure that the head is kept level with, or slightly above the feet.
- Some have had success with working the skill from a stand. It makes the twist more difficult, but the landing easier.
- When starting to work this skill focus on extending and staying tight, as it is difficult to maintain form throughout, and will be more difficult if form is not a focus early.
- Work tucked Vs. Sit on the floor with your knees bent so your knees are near your chest. Push off the floor and lift your knees as high in front as you can.
- Work tucked V to V. Hold a tucked V and straighten your legs then return to the tuck.
- Work dips and hanging leg lifts to develop the tricep and ab strength required.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- No drills yet available for this skill.
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- Simply work this skill by kicking into a wide arm handstand. The key is developing a feel for the control.