Healy twirl

C value skill
FIG Code Group: II
FIG Code Box: 75
Drills for Healy twirl.
  • This skill should be worked on floor to an 8" mat to develop a feel for it.
  • The shoulder must be pushed out as much as possible to allow for a smooth rotation in the shoulder complex.
  • The turn should be completed as early as possible so the support can be re-established before the bottom of the swing.
  • After the gymnast has shown a tight extended healy on floor, graduate to a set of parralettes next to a stack of mats. The mats should be higher than the bars.
  • After the gymnast shows consistency in catching the bar graduate to the high bars with a thin mat across the bars.
  • An ideal mat is an old mat that will get pulled through the bars as the gymnast completes the skill, but one that slows the swing somewhat.

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