Double leg circle

A value skill
FIG Code Group: II
FIG Code Box: 1
Drills for Double leg circle.
  • 1/2 circle to counter-turned rear support on floor dome.
  • Lots of tight stretched circles on a floor dome.
  • Do more circles. Be sure that you are extended, don't get lazy.
  • Don't start with your hips too high. This is a common mistake and will cause the circle to drop in the front. Be sure to start with your hips low.
  • Use a piece of chalk on the floor and draw a clock. Have the gymnast place both hands in between the numbers three and nine (chest facing twelve). Slowly from number to number stress the shape of hips, shoulder postition (lean) tightness of body (thighs, butt,abs,arms). This drill if done repeatedly will ensure that bad swinging habits never develop. After this drill can be seen by student w/out a coaches instruction (student automatically knows what postion body should be in at the calling of the number on clock)then it is time to move to a mushroom and bucket. The clock should still be drawn on the floor under the mushroom. Never stop correcting form and timing of hands.
  • Work circles in a bucket with a soft cone between then hands. Height of the cone (or stack) is determined by the arm length of the gymnast. This forces the gymnast to extend and push away. Arms must remain straight and close together.

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